So! It’s the first of December and Nanowrimo finished yesterday.
Did I reach 50,000 words? No. I did not.
I did finish writing my novel AND I started a sequel, so overall I feel that the whole venture was a roaring success.
This is my graph:
As you can see, I plateaued after Day 19 and then again after Day 27. The first one was due to a very busy week helping out a friend with her editing website (check it out here!) – and the second one was due to a weekend away to see Ed Sheeran in Brisbane (totally worth it!).
This is my graph from last year when I actually won:
To me, both look equally impressive. So to clarify my efforts this year, I wrote 31,567 words on my third novel (title recently changed to Saved by the Celebutante) and then another 10,202 words on its sequel (which doesn’t yet have a name).
From here, I will be doing the following:
- Finishing my story timeline for SBTC to allow for the new second half
- Re-reading SBTC and filling in the many, many gaps left
- Editing SBTC
- Getting ready for publication (using a strategy I will outline in a future blog post).
And then I plan to go back to the sequel and finish its timeline, plot and then actually write the rest of the story!