My Thoughts on The Rockstar in Japan

Hi! So, if you haven’t read it already, I recently published a short story on Vocal:

For those who have read my other books, here are my thoughts about how the story relates to them:

While writing A Rockstar in Japan, I imagined that the main character was Holly, Jess’s friend from Australia in Zen Queen. I deliberately left the musician’s identity ambiguous because I like to think that Lincoln Page in My Own Personal Rockstar wouldn’t demand someone travel across Japan for them at short notice without giving them more than two hundred dollars in compensation (or thanking them personally!). But also, it’s possible he wasn’t aware of what took place. The man who collected the notebook could be Max, Lincoln’s manager, or another person associated with the tour—and if Lincoln eventually found out how Holly was treated, he would have made sure she was properly rewarded.

I hope you enjoyed it! Comments welcome below. 🙂

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