It’s November, which means it’s National Novel Writing Month! I have decided to use the time this year to finish my third novel. Last year was my first ever successful completion of the event, and it turned into Dismissed. I have high hopes for this year. The book I’m currently writing started off with the working title Perfume Therapy, […]
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On Writing
I’m not sure what I could say about this book that probably hasn’t already been said a million times. This is my all-time favourite book on writing. If I had to pick only one book about writing to recommend to people, this would be it. I have to admit, I haven’t read a lot of Stephen […]
Read moreImperfect Chemistry
This was exactly what I was in the mood for when I discovered it – a cute romantic comedy featuring likeable characters and an easy-to-follow plot. Lucy, the main character, is basically a female version of Sheldon from The Big Bang Theory, except I pictured her to look and sound like Amy Farrah Fowler. Lucy […]
Read moreHector and the Search for Happiness
This was a quick, fun read. I have long been a fan of self-improvement books that are presented in the form of a quest, so this was right up my alley. When I first started reading it, I found the language a bit too simple, almost patronising. But after a while, I really got into […]
Read moreA Wild Sheep Chase
This is my third Murakami book, and probably the most confusing of the three (the other two being Norwegian Wood and 1Q84). I loved it, but I’m not sure how to explain why. I am not the kind of person who can dig into themes and subtext and give everyone an insight into the deeper […]
Read moreHorns
A couple of my writer friends and I have formed an unofficial book club. So far, we have read Maybe In Another Life by Taylor Jenkins Reid (an awesome Sliding Doors type story), Ugly Love by Colleen Hoover (sorry, I just couldn’t finish it!) and now Horns by Joe Hill. I read a lot of […]
Read moreFinding Harmony (Katie & Annalise Book 3)
The third book in this series contained an incredibly tense plotline that kept me zooming through the pages so I could find out what happened next. I both love and hate suspense, especially when it’s done well, because I can’t concentrate on anything else until it’s resolved. This book definitely did it well. A big […]
Read moreLeaving Annalise (Katie & Annalise Book 2)
I actually started thinking about how much information I prefer to know about a book prior to reading, and I’ve decided all I need is the blurb (the shorter the better) and the average star rating. I actually really like reading full reviews after I’ve read the book to see if people agreed with certain […]
Read moreSaving Grace (Katie & Annalise Book 1)
This was my first book from Bookbub and it didn’t disappoint. Saving Grace is set in the Caribbean and features an attorney named Katie who likes to drink. It’s romantic mystery, but there actually isn’t a lot of romance in this first book. At least not reciprocated romance. Katie is hung up on Nick, a […]
Read moreTake Off Your Pants…
No, this is not the name of a new erotic fiction novel. It’s a great little book by Libbie Hawker about outlining a novel. I’m in the process of reworking my latest project using this formula, so I’ll let you know if it does in fact make the whole writing task easier. But I’m pretty […]
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