Oh. My. God. If you have a heart condition, I definitely don’t recommend self-publishing your own book. Saved by the Celebutante is going up on NetGalley today, but it has been a crazy ride to get here! If you read one of my previous posts, you will see I had a strategy for publishing this time […]
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Saved by the Celebutante News!
So! Saved by the Celebutante is finally finished! I actually completed it a week ago, but I got side-tracked with some web design work, so I couldn’t properly celebrate at the time. But I’m still excited. I started writing this crazy book three years ago and it has undergone some major changes in that time […]
Read moreWriting Tips for Future Kirsty
Try and write a decent outline before starting your first draft. Also know a little about your characters. Give yourself room to move, but make sure you have a framework and basic ideas about major plot points before starting. Also map out all your scenes to make sure you have enough going on to keep […]
Read moreThe long road to publication
I know, I know. It’s been ages since my last post. But that’s only because I’ve been working so hard on my book. I keep thinking, just another couple of weeks and I’ll be done! – but then another few days go by and I realise I’ve still got a long way to go. Right […]
Read moreNew Year and Resolutions
I’m not sure many people (apart from Stephen King) actually do much writing over the holiday period. Actually, I have no idea if that’s true, but I’m betting people who have kids on school holidays and extended families who live nearby probably don’t. My husband and I try to take our boys away for a […]
Read moreChristmas Week!
Things are getting busy! This week we were looking after an extra two children leading up to Christmas Day, but I still managed to squeeze in some writing stuff. Schedule was as follows: Sunday (seeing as I didn’t cover that in my last post) 200+ pages of a new proof / edit. I had almost […]
Read moreTwo weeks before Christmas
These past few days have been interesting. It was the first week of the school holidays, so I’ve had to adapt to the change in schedule. Fortunately, I still had some time to myself when my boys were at vacation care and kindy, or visiting their grandmother. My writing schedule for this week was as […]
Read moreThe joy of blogging
I went to a writing workshop a couple of weeks ago that talked about what to do once you finished writing your book if you wanted to get traditionally published in Australia. I’d kind of already decided to self-publish my next book, so I only went along because one of my critique partners was disappointed she […]
Read moreNanowrimo 2015 Outcome
So! It’s the first of December and Nanowrimo finished yesterday. Did I reach 50,000 words? No. I did not. But… I did finish writing my novel AND I started a sequel, so overall I feel that the whole venture was a roaring success.
Read moreHow I’m Surviving Nanowrimo
I’m just over half-way through Nanowrimo, and so far I am loving it! I’ve managed to write almost every day, or have done more on either side of missed days to keep to my target. This year has felt easier than last year (which I finished but with a slightly stressful last few days), and […]
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